
About the Android app

General info

Development notes - (mainly) for programmers (freely usable project for a basic Android Web app)

Commercial offer - (mainly) for non-programmers

General info

12-hour world clock (aka Rotating-cities world clock) app for Android, version 2.6 (to see what app version you have, check out Android settings / apps).
For detailed info (including many pictures) as well as installing the app, please visit
the Google Play page and the Facebook page.

The app is based on a sample project from the Google Chrome development site, which can be found here.
That's not to say that the app is just this project plus maybe a few minor tweaks. I had to put in a few days of work to turn it into a usable app. It concerned 2 main things: porting the project to the current Android Studio version, which at the time was 2.1.3, and adding a few standard mobile browser functions, namely zoom in / out and refreshing the current page.
More details about this in the next section, Development notes.
This was all that had to be done for version 1 of the app. Version 2 adds another main functionality, the option to be placed on the Android lock screen. See details on the help page.

Development notes - (mainly) for programmers

As said above, the app is based on a sample project from the Google Chrome development site, which can be found here.

While the project did provide a useful starting point, for which I'm very thankful, it wasn't (and wasn't meant to be) the code of a practically usable app. I had to put in a few days of work, which concerned 2 main things: porting the project to the current Android Studio version, which at the time was 2.1.3, and adding a few standard mobile browser functions, namely zoom in / out and refreshing the current page.
(In the meantime, the people behind the project said they'll probably bring it up to date, that is port it to Android Studio 2.2.2 . But it looks like my own project is ready first.)
As said above, this is all that had to be done to obtain a full-fledged basic Android Web app. That was version 1 of my app. In the meantime I wrote version 2, which adds the option to be placed on the Android lock screen. But it can still be used as a model for a basic Web app, especially since by default the show on lock screen option is unchecked.

My updated project, which does contain a usable basic Android Web app (without the show on lock screen function), is here. It's free to use, on an as is basis.
Thanks again to the folks at Google who provided the original project, and to the programming community, especially StackOverflow.com, for their excellent advice.

Commercial offer - (mainly) for non-programmers

If you'd like to have a basic Android web app like my own, but you're not a programmer (or for whatever reason would like somebody to write it for you), press here.


Copyright 2016-17 Vlad Simionescu